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Online Entertainment: Streaming, Gaming & Virtual Reality


Moving on to the topic of online entertainment, we would like to hear your thoughts on the trends and advancements in streaming, gaming, and virtual reality. As the CTO of KreditBee, you have a unique perspective on how technology is shaping the online entertainment industry. Please share your insights.

Karthikeyan Krishnaswamy: 

Absolutely! Online entertainment has witnessed tremendous growth and innovation in recent years, particularly in the areas of streaming, gaming, and virtual reality. Let's dive into each of these aspects:


We are witnessing a shift from scheduled programming to on-demand content, where viewers have the freedom to choose what they want to watch and when.

Furthermore, the advent of live streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube Gaming has gained immense popularity, especially in the gaming community. 


Gaming has become a massive industry, not only in terms of revenue but also in terms of technological advancements. With the rise of high-performance gaming consoles, PCs, and mobile devices, gaming experiences have become more immersive and realistic.

Cloud gaming is another exciting trend that has gained traction. Services like Google Stadia, Microsoft xCloud, and NVIDIA GeForce Now allow users to play games on-demand without the need for powerful hardware. This eliminates the barrier of entry for gaming, making it more accessible to a broader audience.

Additionally, the integration of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies is transforming the gaming landscape. AR games like Pokémon Go have already captured the attention of millions, while VR gaming offers a truly immersive experience. As the technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more exciting developments in this space.

Virtual Reality (VR): 

While gaming is a prominent use case for VR, its applications extend beyond gaming alone. VR can be utilized for virtual tours, training simulations, virtual meetings, and even social interactions in virtual worlds.

However, widespread adoption of VR is still a challenge due to factors such as high costs, technological limitations, and the need for user-friendly hardware. As these barriers are addressed, we can expect VR to play a more significant role in the future of online entertainment.

Overall, streaming, gaming, and virtual reality are rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. These trends present exciting opportunities for innovation and growth in the online entertainment industry, and we are likely to see even more immersive and engaging experiences in the years to come.

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